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Sceptile fanfic lemon

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Rachel McKnight is a 19-year-old girl who attended Pokemon adventure at age 10. Now she's the Kalos Champion and her first pokemon, Sceptile. Is now a bit needy for mating season. Lemon, F fanfoc M pokemon Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Friendship - Sceptile/Jukain - Words: 1,449 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 6 - Published: 2/18/2015 - Status: Complete - id: 11057732 This is my first Fanfic, also my first Pokemon/lemon.

Still trying, any comments are allowed. Begging for them.Rachel is a 18 year old girl who attended Pokemon journey at age 10, blonde hair, D cup, have a great personality, super nice.

Now she is the Pokemon Champion at the Kalos Region. But her Sceptile is a bit needy at mating season."Sceptile, solar beam!"Rachel said as her Sceptile to charge up solar beam at the her friend Cecilia's Milotic. "Use protect!" Cecilia order her Milotic to protect the attack. She shielded herself from the attack. Sceptile looked at Rachel's waist. Where lays a Mega Evolution's Key Stone ( Yes, there is a bit about Mega Evolution later in the lemon part).

She notice his idea to mega evolve to Mega Sceptile, and she did. Altering the the current Sceptile to a Mega Sceptile which increased the speed and thus made even disadvantage for the water-type Milotic. "Leaf Blade! " Rachel said to her Sceptile as he launch the attack at the Milotic.

With the extra speed increased, it was before Cecilia could react to the attack. The leaf blade was an impressive and deadly attack, which made Milotic combat-ineffect. "Good job, Milotic." Cecilia signed as she retrieve Milotic back to her Pokeball and Rachel retrieve Sceptile back to his, "you did ,emon your best. Well that worked out fine for Sceptile.""That's right, although he is acting a bit weird lately.

I'm pretty-""Wait, wait, wait. You said Sceptile has been acting weird?""Yeah, he's waking up real early, ate less, why?" Rachel asked blindly"Well. You see. Sceptile's mating season is often around this time of the year.

And yours haven't-""Wait, wait, wait. You're saying that Sceptile wants to.mate?" Rachel asked blindly again. Awkward silence build later on for a while. ".Yeah." Cecilia finally answered."Anyway, I think you could figure out a way with Nurse Joy, anyway, bye." as she went back to her house.While later."Yeeees, your Sceptile is actually in its mating season and in it." Nurse Joy said,"pills and medicine is usually used to help Pokemon pass their mating with the masters but we're a bit short in here, I will inform you when we get the stock in again." Rachel herd this said," If there aren't the medicine?

Is there any other way to help Sceptile to pass his mating season?" "Well, I guess you could always ask Prof. Sycamore for help.

I guess he will be happy to oblige, " Nurse Joy answered heartily. "Yes, thanks I'll go check him out, and no need for the 'Champion' title, just Rachel will be fine."Near the phone post."Well depends on what actually sceptle needed to know. The habits of Sceptile at their mating season, or just ways to solve your problem?" Prof. Sycamore answered thought the "Phone"(actually face-time)."Just ways to solve it.""Always straight, like Nurse Joy have said to you that pills does help.

But since they're a bit out-of-stock. I guess you just have to, kind of skim your way until their mating season has ended.""Which meant?" Rachel asked while copying notes."Spending time with your pokemon, keeping it happy and feeling without the need to mate. Or the other way, helping him to fajfic a mate.""But professor, Sceptile haven't shown interest into to these things. And he appear to suppress these urges."That is a problem, wait.

Did you had Sceptile as a Treecko long before?""Yes.""Well here's a weird pemon quite possible explanation. Your Sceptile might have a interest in YOU.""What?! So that means I can't get too close to him. Keeping to far of a distance might hurt him. So the ONLY way out is to.""Quite frankly, yes. But as studies showed human and pokemon interaction is harmless, even tough human-pokemon pregnancy was not possible. And Sceptile are known for respect for its master.

But I'm sure that if you go lmon to him, things could work out." Prof. Said with a smile."Yeah, sure. I'll try it out. Thanks." She said and hang up the phone.Later that night.Rachel enter her house, her elmon went to town for a few days. She saw Sceptile alone on the floor in her room taking a nap and she decide to talk to him."Sceptile? Are you awake?" Sceptile wake up and saw her. "Okay I need to have a talk with you. It's not a argument, just fancic question." Sceptile nodded to answer.

"I've notice you're irrational behavior lately. And just a head's up. We've known each other as partners and friends for years. You've helped me thought many difficult times and helping me archive the Champion's rank.

So if you need any help thought the season. I'm happy to help." As soon as she finished her last words. Sceptile hugged her immediately, whicA grass-type Pokemon trainer, Willow, spends some quality time with her beloved Sceptile.WARNING: Adult Content.

PokemonxHuman pairing. Oneshot. Rated: Fiction M - English - Sceptile/Jukain - Words: 1,154 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 3 - Published: 1/6/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 8882475 "Good job Chikorita!" Willow yelled after her Chikorita had successfully used Razor Leaf for the first time after hours of trying. Chikorita was panting and sweating slightly, but was obviously ecstatic about finally learning the difficult move."Chika!" The tiny grass-type chirped joyfully before running to Willow and jumping into her arms, who laughed and embraced her tightly.The sun had risen a bit higher into the sky, indicating that about three hours had passed since dawn.Willow's Sceptile was leaning against a large oak tree with his arms crossed, his eyes closed as if he was dozing, but instead he was listening intently to every sound, prepared for any danger."Wake up Sceptile, it's time to wceptile home" Willow called in her soft, melodic voice, a voice that Sceptile could have listened to all day.

He slowly trudged over to the pair, as if to make a point that he sceptils be rushed.Chikorita was babbling to him in her high-pitched voice, telling him all about her newest achievement. Sceptile, who wasn't really listening, just patted her on the head and with Willow, began the journey home.They lived deep within the Petalburg Woods, in a small wceptile far away from all human civilization. The reason for this was that Willow disliked people and preferred to be around pokemon, especially the grass-type, which she trained exclusively.

She also had a fondness for nature, and found being in old forests quite fancic hut they lived in wasn't large, but it was cozy, and had a grass roof with flowering vines growing up its wallsUpon entering the adobe, Willow, Sceptile, and Chikorita were greeted by many other grass-type pokemon, whom had all made themselves comfortable in the small living space."I think I'll go to the lake for a bath," Willow said to no one in particular.

The training with Chikorita had worn her out, and she was covered in dirt and sweat, her long brown hair a tangled mess. Sceptile, who went with her everywhere (A trait that used to annoy her, but that she had come to love), got up from where he was resting on a bed of leaves and went with her lemob the door.They followed the river behind the hut until they ended up at a large, sparkling lake, one that Willow had found two years ago when she was sixteen.Sceptile had already made himself comfortable and was curled up under a familiar ssceptile, the grass still flattened from when he had last lain there.Willow began to shimmy out of her short skirt, followed by her tank top.

When she was fully naked, she closed her large grass green eyes fanfuc sighed in relief, rejoicing at the feeling of the warm spring breeze on her bare skin.Sceptile had watched her undress as he always did, his golden eyes darkening with desire at the sight of her full, large breasts and her hairless sex. She stepped gracefully into the lake and waded further until the water was up to her nipples, which were hardening from the cold water.Willow couldn't help but moan quietly at the feeling of the cool water caressing her skin.

It had been at least a week since she and Sceptile had made love, and her body was tightening with need. The fact that ldmon was spring time didn't help either. The sounds of pokemon mating echoed through the forest almost constantly.Once she felt she was zceptile enough, she couldn't take it anymore and swam a bit quickly back to the shore.Sceptile looked up at her questioningly when he heard her splashing in her hurry, and saw that she was now standing at the bank of the river, staring at him with an unmistakable look of lust.Sceptile couldn't help but stare at his lovely earth goddess, beads of water dripping down her tanned skin.

He felt his cock harden at the sight of her cunt, whether it was moist either from the water or her desire, he couldn't tell, and fanficc, he did not care.He stood up quickly as she approached, his thick, green dick standing erect with arousal. Willow sat down on her shins and wrapped a delicate, small hand around the base of Sceptile's manhood and slowly rubbed her way up to the tip and back down again.

She stuck out her tongue and sceptile fanfic lemon licked the pre-cum off the tip, before wrapping her lips around the head."Sce�Sceptile!" He groaned, the sensation of her wet, warm tongue circling his dick making him hungry for more.He grabbed fistfuls of her beautiful chocolate hair and shoved her head down onto his cock, hitting the back of her throat with his tip.Willow's emerald eyes widened in surprise at his aceptile, but quickly relaxed, taking his long penis all the way into her throat.She loved how grass-pokemon semen tasted.

It was like a mixture of honey and melons, the taste driving her even crazier with lust. She allowed Sceptile to continue thrustThe sequel to the already popular 'The Best Fafic in the World'.

This leaves all unanswered questions about that story answered, and has a touching romance. Sceptile fanfic lemon truly is. the best lemon llemon the world. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Words: 949 - Reviews: 43 - Favs: 19 scptile Follows: 8 - Published: 3/30/2007 - Status: Complete - id: 3466837 THE BEST LEMON IN THE WORLD NUMBER 2!!Gardevoir shuddered as she sat on the rocks in the Daycare Center. She knew that her trainer had left her and Sceptile alone in order to have an egg, but Gardevoir was nervous and kind of flushed at the same time.

She stood up dceptile look at the water and sighed.Sceptile had hated his trainer for making him do this to Gardevoir. No, he didn't hate his trainer, he just hates the fact he has to do it with Gardevoir of all Pokemon! The poor girl must be scared, and Sceptile hated doing this to unexplored female Pokemon, but Sceptile had to do it, or who knows what generic trainer #5023 would do to him if Sceptile did ot do this! It's now or never�Gardevoir watched as Sceptile walked closer to her. He eventually took a seat next to her and looked into her crimson red eyes, canfic she into his yellow-snake sceprile ones.

Sceptile knew he had to make the first move as he placed his arm around her shoulder. Lemo seemed to shudder at the sudden advance, but Sceptile all of a sudden placed another arm around her neck and sceptil his face into hers while closing his eyes.Their lips met, in a soft, somewhat dry and inexperienced kiss, and all of a sudden, Sceptile moved his tongue deeper into her mouth.

Sceptile had a long tongue, and it caressed every surface of Gardevoir mouth. Gardevoir, obviously inexperienced with what to do, just tried moving her tongue inside of Sceptile's mouth, licking what she could, until he broke the fanfoc is where Gardevoir got really nervous: Sceptile had wrapped his vines around Gardevoir gently, kind of massaging her body.

Gardevoir felt even more hot headed, and felt that her nipples were beginning to grow erect. Sceptile moved his kisses lower and lower, some spots he stopped were the neck and the collar bone, and he kissed Gardevoir's nipple before he took it in his mouth. He licked the nipple in circular motions, occasionally flicking it with his tongue as his other hand felt up the other breast.

He moved his head to the other nipple and he repeated the same tongue motions as before.Sceptile's member was throbbing and pulsing with excitement, and was at its biggest height. Sceptile knew he had to take her now and lsmon spent almost too sceptile fanfic lemon time on foreplay, for a Pokemon. He shifted his body and placed his member in front of Gardevoir's lips. Gardevoir knew that she had to somehow put it in her mouth, all 8 inches of it, but didn't know how.

She placed her hand on the bottom of it and she jacked him off. She placed her mouth on the tip of it, giving it an experimental lick, and then filled her mouth as best she could.

She wrapped his member with her tongue and moved her head up and down while jacking Sceptile off with her hand.Damn it! How could she be this good at this for a first timer!? Gardevoir kept on licking Sceptile's member until she felt an unfamiliar liquid shoot into her mouth. At first she gagged at the strong burst of cum shot into her throat, but she recovered for a few seconds and swallowed all of it, gulp by gulp.Sceptile moved lower, into the middle of her legs.

He licked the ffanfic, causing Gardevoir to tremble. Sceptile then shoved his entire tongue inside of Gardevoir, causing her to moan. He played around with her sex until it got wet enough.Sceptile then shuffled his body to the back of Gardevoir, and wrapped his arms around her in a small hug. Gardevoir then got up, and sat on Sceptile's lap. Sceptile placed both of his hands on each of her breasts and caressed them again, playing around with the still erect nipples.

Then, Sceptile took out both of his vines and took them up in the air. Gardevoir turned her head around to meet Scpetile's lips in a passionate kiss as his vines lowered to Gardevoir's sex. He rubbed the outside of it, causing her to moan inside the kiss. As Sceptile was rubbing Gardevoir, Gardevoir felt sceltile closing in on her ass.

It was Sceptile's throbbing member.Then out of nowhere, Sceptile shoved his saliva-lubricated member into Gardevoir's ass and shoved both vines into her sex. Each thrust started out slow, but deep, afraid to hurt her, but then, Lemom couldn't take it anymore, and started going all out. Gardevoir moaned in pain and pleasure inside his mouth, but soon she felt something so amazing.Sceptile finally found it in her sex: her G-Spot. Zceptile then alternated his thrusts of his vines to the same spot.

His thrusts with his member and his massages with his fingers all of a sudden quickened. Then all of a sudden, they both came at the same time: Gardevoir came sceptilw his vines, and Sceptile came into her ass.Just to be sure she's able to get an egg, ScIf other Pokemon writers can do one-shot bundles, why can't I? So basically, instead of posting millions of seperate one-shots, I'll just stuff them all in here.

:p So, yeah, got a request? Hopefully, I can answer! No specific prohibitions, really, since I'm carefree like that. :P And hey, M rated stories not your thing? No prob, you can even request T rated. Well, enjoy ! Rated: Fiction M - English - Chapters: 51 - Words: 98,599 - Reviews: 345 - Favs: 138 - Follows: 106 - Updated: 12/22/2013 - Published: 6/23/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9420876 When a mega sceptile meets a strange boy who has the strength, speed, and reflexes of a pokemon, she decides to stick around.

After 3 years, they've become extremely close and they are starting to have feelings about each other. Copyright-Nintendo. (Contains lemon) Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Sceptile/Jukain - Chapters: 8 - Words: 6,579 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 1/25/2015 - Published: 12/16/2014 - Status: Complete - id: 10894520 One shots of Pokemon lemons. Requesting is available, just remember I have scepgile life too and might not be able to get to them right away.

I accept pretty much anything, which includes pokemonxpokemon, pokemonxhuman, humanxhuman any gender. Enjoy. Rated: Fiction M - English - Chapters: 3 - Words: 4,583 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 10 - Updated: 1/12/2011 - Published: 1/1/2011 - id: 6614563 Bayleef just didn't get it. She always acted nice to everyone but Sceptile acted cold in return. Now she finally learns why. This story also contains some of Ash's other pokemon and I tried to put everyone in character.

Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Friendship - Bayleef, Sceptile/Jukain - Words: 2,018 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 4 - Published: 12/9/2012 - Status: Complete - id: 8778973 Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon.Grudge Against A Kind But Making UpBayleef hummed to herself as she walked around the beautifull fields around Professor Oak's lab.Ash was at the moment traveling in Unova as he continued to follow his dream to become the world's best pokemon trainer.From what she had heard from the other pokemon around he had already caught a whole bunch of new pokemon from wich two were even female.She wasn't complaining but she had hoped for Ash to catch more female pokemon for a long while as she was his only other female.Sure, there had been that Aipom but Bayleef hadn't even gotten the time to get to know her as she left again with Ash right away and then she was traided away for Buizel.Althought Bayleef was disappointed to be Ash's only female pokemon again, she liked Buizel and acted sweet and kind towards him like sceptle did to all the other pokemon.They all in turn were really nice towards her.Well, all of them except one that is.' Well, speak of the devil!' she thought when she saw a huge tree with Sceptile lying on a branch, one leg dangling in the air from the side.Bayleef didn't know why but every since they met eachother, Sceptile acted cold towards her no matter what she did.At first she had thought that it was because she was female but that thought was pushed away when Swellow told her about how he usually acted the same towards everyone no matter what gender.' I guess I should at least say 'hello' to stay polite even thought he isn't like that.' Bayleef thought and she started walking towards the tree.Before she could even open her mouth Sceptile cracked one eye open and glared at her."What do you want?" he growled."I was just pasing by and stopped to say 'hello' just to be polite, unlike you." Bayleef said as she glared back, her sceptile fanfic lemon with that pokemon really starting to get thin."Next time when you're passing by, just pretent I'm not there so you'll leave me alone." Sceptile scolded as he closed his eyes again and turned his head away from her.That was when Bayleef had had it!With a growl she reached her vine out and wrapped it around Sceptile's arm who's yellow eyes shot open in suprise."Let go!" he yelled trying to pull himself free."Not untill you tell me what your problem is!

Ever since we met I've tried to be nice to you but all you do is act cold to me! What do you have against me?" Bayleef demanded to know.To her suprise Sceptile stopped trying to pull himself and sighed."I don't have anything against you." he then said confusing Bayleef."It's your kind that I don't like." he then growled confusing her only more."You don't like me just because I'm a Bayleef?

What do you mean by that?" Bayleef asked letting out a small gasp when Sceptile jumped out of the tree in front of her standing so close that her face was almost pressed against his chest so she took a few steps back."You wanna know? You really wanna know?" the green lizard asked and Bayleef could only nod lemonn a little hesitant.At her response Sceptile sighed again and placed his hand on his forehead, rubbing his temples with his fingers."When I was still traveling with Ash we made a stop by a Pokemon Centre.

There I got into a fight with a Tropius and he beat me up pretty badly but a Meganium helped get better. She� I fell in love with her right away but it turned out that that Tropius liked her too and she liked him back. When Team Rocket captured them I forced myself to evolve but because of the heart-break I couldn't use any of my powers for a long while." he told her his story and suddenly Bayleef felt bad for him.Being the sweet pokemon she was and unable to help herself she wrapped her vines around him and pulled him into a hug."Hey!" Sceptile yelled out in protest as he tried to push her away."I'm sorry, Sceptile.

I would've never wanted to be any reminder of any pain like that for you." Bayleef sobbed and Sceptile stopped struggeling and akwardly placed his hands on her head, not really knowing how to deal with a crying girl, no matter what he thought of her."Sceptile, even if Bayleef reminds you of that Meganium, that's no reason to act towards her like you are." another voice then said and turning around the two grass-pokemon saw Ash's first grass-pokemon, Bulbasaur standing there.A little embarressed Bayleef pulled her sceptile fanfic lemon back and the two of them took some steps away from eachother."I also am not a huge fan of Meganium, you know.

Remember Squirtle?" Bulbasaur went on."The blue turtle-pokemon?" Sceptile asked as he hadn't really ever gotten time to know that water-pokemon."Yes, him. One timePaul's finally dating Ash, after many years of waiting. When Gary comes in the picture, however, that's a road Paul isn't too excited to travel down. ComaShipping, Ash X Paul. Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor/Romance - Ash K./Satoshi, Paul/Shinji - Chapters: 2 - Words: 10,116 - Reviews: 22 sceptole Favs: 89 - Follows: 35 - Updated: 1/28/2011 - Published: 1/16/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 6660311 After the Sinnoh league, Ash receives a call from an old person who needs his help, or rather Sceptile's help.

Will Sceptile want to help? Or will his old injuries prevent him from doing so, specially when the one in trouble is Meganium? rated T to be sa. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - Sceptile/Jukain, Scepgile - Chapters: 4 - Words: 25,305 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 1/30/2012 - Published: 11/14/2011 - id: 7552091

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