This unique resource provides you with a practical approach to quickly learning the software-defined radio concepts you need to know for your work in the field. By prototyping and evaluating actual digital communication systems capable of performing over-the-air wireless data transmission and reception, this volume helps you attain a first-hand understanding of critical design trade-offs and issues.
Moreover you gain a sense of the actual real-world operational behavior of these systems.With the purchase of the book, you gain access to several ready-made Simulink experiments at the publisher s website. This collection of laboratory experiments, along with several examples, enables you to successfully implement the designs discussed the book in a short period of time. These files can be executed using MATLAB version R2011b or later.Contents: What is SDR? Signal & System Digital communication systems engineering with software defined radio mobile communications. Probability Review.
Digital Communications Review. Basic SDR Implementation of a Transmitter and a Receiver. Receiver Structure and Waveform Synthesis of a Transmitter and a Receiver. Multi-Carrier Modulation. Spectrum Sensing Techniques. Synchronization. Appendices."synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. About the Author:Alexander Digital communication systems engineering with software defined radio mobile communications. Wyglinski is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
He holds an M.S. in electrical engineering from Queen s University and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from McGill University.Di Pu is a research assistant in the Wireless Innovation Laboratory at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
She holds an M.S. in electrical engineering from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, where she is currently a Ph.D. digital communication systems engineering with software defined radio mobile communications this title" may belong to another edition of this title. [?]Book Description Artech House Publishers.
Hardback. Book Condition: new. BRAND NEW, Digital Communication Systems Engineering with Software-defined Radio, Alexander Wyglinski, Di Pu, This unique resource provides engineers and students with a practical approach digital communication systems engineering with software defined radio mobile communications quickly learning the software-defined radio concepts they need to know for their work in the field.
By prototyping and evaluating actual digital communication systems capable of performing "over-the-air" wireless data transmission and reception, this volume helps readers attain a first-hand understanding of critical design trade-offs and issues.
Moreover, professionals gain a sense of the actual "real-world" operational behavior of these systems. With the purchase of the book, readers gain access to several ready-made Simulink experiments at the publisher's website.
This collection of laboratory experiments, along with several examples, enables engineers to successfully implement the designs discussed the book in a short period of time. These files can be executed using MATLAB version R2011b or later. Bookseller Inventory # B9781608075256More Information About This Seller| Ask Bookseller a Question [?]Book Description Artech House, 2013.
Hardcover. Book Condition: New. 17.78 x 24.76 cm. Our orders are sent from our warehouse locally or directly from our international distributors to allow us to offer you the best possible price and delivery time.
Book. Bookseller Inventory # MM-20973119More Information About This Seller| Ask Bookseller a Question [?]Book Description 2013. Hardcover. Book Condition: New. 180mm x 23mm x 259mm. Hardcover. This unique resource provides engineers and students with a practical approach to quickly learning the software-defined radio concepts they need to know for their work in the .Shipping may be from our Sydney, NSW warehouse or from our UK or US warehouse, depending on stock availability.
200 pages. 0.680. Bookseller Inventory # 9781608075256More Information About This Seller| Ask Bookseller a Question [?]Book Description Artech House, 2013. Book Condition: New. Brand New, Unread Copy in Perfect Condition. A+ Customer Service! Summary: This unique resource provides you with a practical approach to quickly learning the software-defined radio concepts you need to know for your work in the field.
By prototyping and evaluating actual digital communication systems capable of performing "over-the-air" wireless data transmission and reception, this volume helps you attain a first-hand understanding of critical design trade-offs and issues. Moreover you gain a sense of the actual "real-world" operational behavior of these systems. With the purchase of the book, you gain access to several ready-made Simulink experiments at the publisher's website.
This collection of laboratory experiments, along with several examples, enables you to successfully implement the designs discussed the book in a short period of time. These files can be executed using MATLAB version R2011b or later. Bookseller Inventory # ABE_book_new_1608075257More Information About This Seller| Ask Bookseller a Question [?]Book Description Artech House Publishers, 2013. Hardcover. Book CoAccess Denied Access DeniedYou don't have permission to access "" on this server.Reference #18.ad3c5168.1474200402.1a1996a Download or read online books in PDF, EPUB and Mobi Format.
Click Download or Read Online button to get book now. This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want.Note:! If the content not Found, you must refresh this page manually or just wait 15 second to this page refresh automatically. As alternative try our Book Search Engine, click here Author by : Alexander WyglinskiLanguange Used : EnglishRelease Date :Publisher by : Artech HouseDescription :This unique resource provides you with a practical approach to quickly learning the software-defined radio concepts you need to know for your work in the field.
By prototyping and evaluating actual digital communication systems capable of performing over-the-air wireless data transmission and reception, this volume helps you attain a first-hand understanding of critical design trade-offs and issues.
Moreover you gain a sense of the actual real-world operational behavior of these systems.With the purchase of the book, you gain access to several ready-made Simulink experiments at the publisher s website. This collection of laboratory experiments, along with several examples, enables you to successfully implement the designs discussed the book in a short period of time.
These files can be executed using MATLAB version R2011b or later.Contents: What is SDR? Signal & System Overview. Probability Review.
Digital Communications Review. Basic SDR Implementation of a Transmitter and a Receiver. Receiver Structure and Waveform Synthesis of a Transmitter and a Receiver. Multi-Carrier Modulation. Spectrum Sensing Techniques. Synchronization. Appendices.Click Go to Read Online the Book or type in the box what do you want to search Search for: Recent Posts� BioShock: The Collection: Prima Official Guide� Windows 10 For Seniors For Dummies (For Dummies (C�� Foundations of Game Engine Development, Volume 1: �� Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon: Official Collector s�� The Internet of Money� Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Informat�� The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Soci�� Exploring Microsoft Office 2016 Volume 1 (Explorin�� Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our K�� Halo Mythos: A Guide to the Story of Halo� Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increase�� Adobe Premiere Pro CC Classroom in a Book (2015 re�� Discovering Computers �2016 (Shelly Cashman)� Exploring: Microsoft Excel 2013, Comprehensive (Ex�� Learning Web Design: A Beginner�s Guide to HTML, C� Author by : Alexander Wyglinski; Di PuLanguange Used :Release Date :Publisher by : Artech House (2013-01-31)Description :Click Go to Read Online the Book or type in the box what do you want to search Deploy your own private mobile network with OpenBTS, the open source software project that converts between the GSM and UMTS wireless radio interface and open IP protocols.
With this hands-on, step-by-step guide, you�ll learn how to use OpenBTS to construct simple, flexible, and inexpensive mobile networks with software.OpenBTS can distribute any internet connection as a mobile network across a large geographic region, and provide connectivity to remote devices in the Internet of Things.
Ideal for telecom and software engineers new to this technology, this book helps you build a basic OpenBTS network with voice and SMS services and data capabilities. From there, you can create your own niche product or experimental feature.� Select hardware, and set up a base operating system for your project� Configure, troubleshoot, and use performance-tuning techniques� Expand to a true multinode mobile network complete with Mobility and Handover� Add general packet radio service (GPRS) data connectivity, ideal for IoT devices� Build applications on top of the OpenBTS NodeManager control and event APIsClick Go to Read Online the Book or type in the box what do you want to search � Welcome!� People� Publications� Theses & Reports� Books� Digital Communication Systems Engineering Using Software Defined Radio� Cognitive Radio Communications and Networks: Principles and Practice� Facilities� OPNET University Program at WPI� Events� CRESS 2014� CRESS 2015� Contact Us Modern society is increasingly becoming dependent on digital communication systems in order to function properly, with a growing number of applications relying on these devices, e.g., personal health/body networks, defense/homeland security, navigation/localization, social networking, vehicular transportation.�Consequently,�digital communication systems education employing instructional laboratory guides via a �hands-on��learning approach�would significantly help individuals studying in this concentration to synthesize many of these concepts by realizing them in actual prototype systems and conduct real-time �over-the-air� communication experiments.
Given the complexity of these modern digital communication systems, especially those based on software-defined radio (SDR) technology, which requires an digital communication systems engineering with software defined radio mobile communications understanding of the�fundamentals from the communications and networking concentration as well as from other concentrations, it is expected that this hands-on educational paradigm will provide individuals�with a�systems-level understanding (breadth) of a modern digital communications device while focusing on several key aspects (depth) in the design and implementation of these systems.With the generous technical and financial support of The Mathworks,�this digital communication systems engineering approach will�provide individuals with hands-on exposure to the design and implementation of modern digital communication systems using software-defined radio technology.
The prototyping and experimentation of these systems via software-defined radio will enable greater flexibility in the assessment of design trade-offs as well as the illustration of �real world� operational behavior.
Performance comparisons with quantitative analytical techniques will be conducted in order to reinforce digital communication system design concepts. Experimentation topics include software-defined radio architectures and implementations, digital signaling and data transmission analysis in noise, digital receiver structures (matched filtering, correlation), multicarrier communication techniques, radio frequency spectrum sensing and identification (energy detection, matched filtering), and fundamentals of radio resource management.Electronic Resources for �Digital Communication Systems Engineering with Software-Defined Radio�The book by Di Pu and Alexander Wyglinski, entitled: � Digital Communication Systems Engineering with Software-Defined Radio� (Artech House, February 2013, ISBN: 978-1-60807-525-6), presents a comprehensive educational framework for learning digital communication systems engineering using software-defined radio technology, ranging from the detailed coverage of several fundamental theoretical concepts to the step-by-step process of conducting actual over-the-air experimentation of digital communication systems using SDR.
To assist the interested individual, there exists several electronic resources designed to support this book:� A collection of 26 sets of lecture slides ( ZIP) designed to complement the material convered in the book.� Source code for the experiments presented in Chapter 5 ( ZIP), Chapter 6 ( ZIP), Chapter 7 ( ZIP), and Chapter 8 ( ZIP)Freely Available SDR Laboratory Materials Disclaimer: These laboratory guides and associated source code are offered for informational purposes and information exchange, and WPI and/or Professor Wyglinski are not liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use of these laboratory guides and associated source code.The following laboratory guides and source code were employed during the course, ECE4305 �Software-Defined Radio Systems and Analysis�, at WPI during the Spring 2011 semester, and have been optimized for usage with MATLAB R2010b and the USRP2 (non-UHD) software-defined radio platform:� Laboratory 0 � Getting Started with MATLAB, Simulink, USRP2 Hardware, and USRP2 Blocks�� Laboratory 1 � Applying Digital Communication Concepts and Mastering SDR Design� ( Source Code)� Laboratory 2 � Basic SDR Implementation of a Transmitter and a Receiver� ( Source Code)� Laboratory 3 � Receiver Structure & Waveform Synthesis of a Transmitter and a Receiver� ( Source Code)� Laboratory 4 � Spectrum Sensing Techniques� ( Source Code)� Additional Material�� Quick Reference Sheet�Note: When employing these laboratory guides and source code, please reference the following conference publication in order to provide proper credit for this work: Alexander Wyglinski, Di Pu, Daniel Cullen.
� Digital Communication Systems Education via Software-Defined Radio Experimentation.� Proceedings of the 118th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition (Vancouver, BC, Canada), 26-29 June - "This unique resource provides you with a practical approach to quickly learning the software-defined radio concepts you need to know for your work in the field. By prototyping and evaluating actual digital communication systems capable of performing "over-the-air" wireless data transmission and digital communication systems engineering with software defined radio mobile communications. Digital Communication Systems Engineering with Software-Defined Radio