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User mit Windows 7 oder hoher greifen besser zur aktuellen iTunes-Version. Alternativ konnen Sie Ihren mobilen MP3-Player auch mit der Freeware MediaMonkey befullen.Michael Humpa | CHIP Software-RedaktionDie CHIP Redaktion sagt: iTunes fur Windows XP / Vista (32 Bit)iTunes kann automatisch Wiedergabelisten erstellen, die nach Ihren musikalischen Vorlieben abgestimmt werden. Audio-CDs konnen in das Programm importiert werden, und dank der Brennfunktion ist auch das Erstellen personlicher Musik-CDs moglich.iTunes 12.1.2: iTunes fur Windows Vista und Windows XPNutzer von Windows XP oder Windows Vista konnen leider nicht mehr die aktuellste iTunes-Version verwenden.
Wir bieten Ihnen deshalb hier die letzte installierbare iTunes-Version 12.1.2 zum kostenlosen Download an.Besitzer von iPod/iPad/iPhone werden sich uber die Synchronisations-Funktion der Freeware freuen.
Je nach Einstellung konnen neue Songs oder ganze Wiedergabelisten automatisch ubertragen werden. Zudem konnen Sie Ihren mobilen Musikplayer manuell per Drag&Drop aktualisieren.Integriert ist auch der Online-Musik-Bezahldienst "iTunes Store", bei dem Musiktitel, Videoclips, Minispiele und ganze Spielfilme verkauft werden. Die Musikdateien werden dabei ausschlie?lich im AAC-Format angeboten.Mittels der so genannten Genius-Funktion konnen Sie Ihre Musiktitel analysieren lassen, ahnliche Musik im Shop erwerben oder sich automatisch Abspiellisten mit passenden Songs erstellen.Auf Wunsch konnen Sie sich mit dem iTunes-Installer auch gleich die aktuellste QuickTime-Ausgabe und die iCloud Systemsteuerung auf Ihren Rechner holen.Unterstutzte Formate: AAC, AIFF, Apple Lossless, MIDI, MP3, TCA, WAV.Letzte Anderungen Die Software bringt dem Nutzer gleich zwei Zusatztools mit auf den Rechner, ohne dass er davor gewarnt wird.
So wird einem das Apple Software Update-Center mit aufs Auge gedruckt, obendrein wandert auch das Programm Bonjour auf Ihren Rechner. Beides braucht der Normal-Nutzer nicht zwingend und so empfehlen wir beides gleich wieder von der Platte zu werfen. Weil das Setup keine Moglichkeit bietet, die Zusatzprogramme abzuwahlen, mussen Sie das Update-Tool sowie das Netzwerk-Dienstpro� Start� News� Politik� Wirtschaft� Vermischtes� Wissenschaft� Wetter� Einburgerungstest� Allgemeinwissens-Test� Sport� Fu?ball� Formel 1� Sportmix� Abpfiff� Sport-Quiz� Datencenter� Tippspiel� Finanzen� Borse� Jobs & Karriere� Kredit & Banking� Immobilien� Versicherung� Recht & Steuern� Spartipps� Auto� Neuheiten� Tests� Magazin� Automarkt� Youngtimer & Oldtimer� Wohnmobile� Motorsport� Service� Spiel & Spa?� Fuhrerscheintest� Unterhaltung� Promis� TV� Kino� Musik & Buch� Ratsel & Cartoons� Medien� Video� Promi-Quiz� Film-Quiz� Lifestyle� Frauen� Manner� Reisen� Gesundheit� Horoskop� Shopping� Erotik� Digital� Download-Center� Digital News� Computer & Mobile� Online & Sicherheit� Windows & Software� Gadgets & Fun� Smart Home� Digital Home� Digital� Spielen� Gewinnspiele� Lotto 6aus49� Tests & Quizzes� Hot or Not?� Jackpot� Games A-Z� Chat� freenet TV� Mail & Cloud� Kundenservice iTunes ist die Jukebox Software fur den iPod und den Apple Musicstore.
Aber auch als einfache Jukebox macht iTunes eine gute Figur.Die Software iTunes erlaubt direkten Zugriff auf den iTunes Music Store in Deutschland. Dort kann man direkt aus dem Programm heraus nach Musiktiteln suchen und diese per Kreditkarte bezahlen. Sie werden in einem DRM-geschutzten AAC-Format heruntergeladen.Es gibt eine Party Shuffle-Funktion, die dynamische Playlisten erstellt, in der Sie oder Ihre Gaste wahrend des Abspielens Songs sortieren oder hinzufugen konnen.
Die Songs konnen entweder aus Ihrem gesamten Musikbestand oder einer bestimmten Playlist stammen. Hier behalten Sie auch die Ubersicht, welche Songs schon gespielt wurden und welche noch folgen.Mit der iMix-Funktion ist es moglich, die Playlist im iTunes Music Store zu veroffentlichen, um ewigen Nachfragern zuvor zu kommen, wobei hier Ihre Songs von Usern auch bewertet werden konnen.
Der Haken: In Deutschland nicht verfugbar.Oder drucken Sie Jewel Case Inlays und Playlists aus. Die Playlist kann entweder mit entsprechenden Bebilderungen und Informationen zu den Songs ausgedruckt werden. Oder Sie listen die Songs nach Haufigkeit des Abspielens und letztem Zugriff auf.Unter Windows ist es jetzt auch moglich, vom WMA-Format in das AAC-Format umzuwandeln. Zudem wird das Apple Lossless Codec-Format unterstutzt.Wenn Sie Ihre Music-Library im Netzwerk streamen mochten, ist dieses jetzt auf bis zu funf Rechner erweiterbar.Mit der Installation kommt auch der Quicktime Player, der primar fur .MOV-Video-Formate nutzlich ist.CD-Informationen bezieht man automatisch bei bestehender Internetverbindung aus der CDDB.org-Datenbank.iTunes bietet das Erstellen intelligenter 'SmartPlaylists' an, mit Filtern wie Rating (personliche Bewertung), Genre, Erscheinungsjahr, Bitrate, BPM (Beats per Minute) etc.CDs konnen direkt mit iTunes gebrannt itunes 32 bit vista, wobei sich nur Songs in Playlists brennen lassen.
Falls der Umfang der Playlist den des CD-Rohlings ubersteigen sollte, teilt iTunes die Songs automatisch auf mehrere CDs auf. Die fertigen CDs konnen Sie anschlie?end auf allen Audio-Geraten normal abspielen.Songs von CDs lassen sich ebenfalls importieren, diese werden wahlweise ins AAC- MP3- AIFF- oder WAV-Format konvertiert.Editieren Sie ID3-Tags oder wandeln Sie diese in andere Versionen um.Fugen Sie Ihren Songs mehrere Bilder hinzu wie Cover, Kunstlerfotos etc.
Erlaubt sind die Formate BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF oder Photoshop. In iTunes konnen Sie diese unten links im 'Song Artwork'-Fenster anzeigen lassen.Jedem Song ab ID3-Tag-V2.3 kann ein Equalizer-Preset zugeordnet werden, so dass beispielsweise klassische Stucke durch die Zuweisung anderer Einstellungen als im Rock/Pop-Bereich performanter klingen.Unter 'Radio' findet man verschiedene Radio-Livestreams, die in verschiedene Genre unterteilt sind.
Sie konnen auch einen beliebigen MP3-Shoutcast-Stream offnen, die Radio-Liste jedoch nicht erweitern. Externe Streams lassen sich beispielsweise in einer M3U-Winamp-Playlist importieren.Die Version 10 kommt mit einer Vielzahl an Anderungen und Neuerungen. Neue Funktionen im Uberblick:� iTunes Ping- das Social Network fur Musik halt Sie immer uber Ihre Lieblingskunstler auf dem Laufenden� AirPlay Technologie- streamen Sie Ihre Musik drahtlos durchs ganze Haus� AppleTV� Verbessertes Synchronisieren- synchronisieren Sie Ihre Inhalte zwischen Computer und iPhone, iPad oder iPod jetzt noch einfacherDas vollstandige Changelog finden Sie auf der Herstellerseite ( Link).Das AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)-Format ist wesentlicher Bestandteil der MPEG-4-Spezifikation und macht zwar in punkto Bitrate und Qualitat gegenuber dem MP3-Format einiges wett, jedoch ist die Nutzung solcher konvertierten Songs nicht auf unendlich vielen Rechnern moglich.Beispielsweise soll das 128bit-AAC-Format gegenuber dem 160bit-MP3-Format besser im Sound sein, jedoch geringer in der Datenmenge, da die Bitrate kleiner ist.
(fj,gt,mr) DownloadsiTunes 11.0iTunes lets you enjoy all your music, movies, video, and TV shows. When you want to watch or listen to something, you no longer have to look through your CDs or flip through channels - just go to your computer and open iTunes. With your entire media collection in your iTunes library, you can browse everything faster, organize it all more easily, and play anything whenever the mood strikes.License AgreementThe software available here from NGOHQ.com are provided "as is" with NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT.
All software is to be used at your own risk; this site does not take any responsibility for any damage in whatever form or context. The materials on this Website ("WEBSITE") are provided by NGOHQ.com as a service to its users and may be used for informational purposes only.
You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the downloaded software except as expressly provided under itunes 32 bit vista License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.All materials available here are provided "as is" with NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT.
Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall this WEBSITE be liable for any incidental, special, indirect or consequential damages arising out of or relating to this license and or download. You agree to indemnify and hold this WEBSITE harmless from any and all damages, risk and liabilities. You expressly acknowledge and agree that use of the the downloaded software is at your sole risk. By downloading, installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this LICENSE.[ Agree | Reject itunes 32 bit vista (32-Bit) 12.2.2 License Free Language English Platform windowsStill one of the best music players .as books, movies, TV Shows, podcasts, and more Once you get used to how iTunes sync works with iOS it's okay, but there are some annoyances The main . 39M downloads� PROS: Simplified interface, Apple Music streaming service, Improved playlist creation, Curated and automatic radio stations� CONS: Limited file formats supported, Amost overwhelming number of features!� iTunes 64 bit (64-Bit) 12.3.3 License Free Language English Platform windowsStill one of the best music players .as books, movies, TV Shows, podcasts, and more Once you get used to how iTunes sync works with iOS it's okay, but there are some annoyances The main . 6M downloads� PROS: Simplified interface, Improved playlist creation, Curated and automatic radio stations, Apple Music streaming service� CONS: Limited file formats supported, Amost overwhelming number of features!� iTunes Portable License Free Language English Platform windowsUse iTunes anywhere without installing anything .
from your multimedia library (music, movies, podcasts, etc ) iTunes also includes access to the iTunes Store, the store for Apple apps and content . 551K downloads� PROS: No installation required, A world of music, movies, and podcasts, Includes the iTunes Store, Allows you to rip audio files from CDs� CONS: It is not possible to listen to music on all players, Old version of iTunes� iTools For Windows (iTools iPhone Manager) iTools License Free Language English Platform windowsGet iTooled up for any mobile job .
help you to manage and tweak your phone without relying on iTunes, plus it�s free to download Tools and features for everythingTo put it simply . 6M downloads� PROS: All the phone related features of iTunes, Without installation, Easy to use and understand, Has new features not provided by Apple, Backup, restore and manage all aspects� CONS: A little slow to load at times, No access to iTunes store� VLC media player 2.2.4 License Free (GPL) Language English Platform windowsSimply the best multi-format media player .
media player isn't as intuitive as iTunes as a media manager, but it' .It plays just about anything, hassle free - what more could you need?MKV, WMV. 132M downloads� PROS: Supports a wide range of formats, Good hotkey support, Easy to use, Very flexible and lightweight, Integration with web channel streaming services, Improved interface in version 2, More format support in version 2, Plays BluRay and HD� CONS: User interface is quite basic, User interface slicker in Mac version� ALLPlayer 6.8 License Free Language English Platform windowsMultimedia player for almost any video format .
ALLPlayer including an attractive iTunes style Coverflow browser.they are needed, and with automatic and free codecs updates can you play any . 2M downloads� PROS: Matching subtitles downloader, Voice recognition for subtitles, Plays almost any format, Great alternative to VLC media player� CONS: Subtitles matching doesn't always work, Subtitle voice recognition poor, Interface a bit dated� Winamp Full 5.666 License Free Language English Platform windowsA hugely popular and versatile audio and media player .
been around for ever, but it hasn't been left behind and is a fully featured music player that's really customizable A good alternative to iTunes Spotify 1.0.13 License Free Language English Platform windowsFind, share and enjoy your favorite music online .
Media Player Library or your iTunes library The brand new features . you don�t mind the limitations in the Free version (or you�re willing to pay for . 8M downloads� PROS: New iPod sync and MP3 download features, Organize your music in customizable playlists, Share collaborative playlists with friends, Streaming radio with filters, Social features: friend list, Facebook connect, Import your MP3 files into the program� CONS: You'll have to put up with ads in the Free version, Individual songs can only be paid with credit card, Some songs are not available itunes 32 bit vista download� Safari 5.1.7 License Free Language English Platform windowsApple's slick Mac and iOS browser for PC .
ones have been updated Meanwhile Cover Flow will be familiar to all iTunes users, letting you browse through your bookmarks via full page spreads of . 7M downloads� PROS: Cover Flow allows you to view bookmarks iTunes style, Looks elegant and loads pages very fast, Top Pages allows you to see your most popular pages at a glance, Reader allows you to view lots of content on one page, Private browsing mode� CONS: Not many plugins available, No way to change the font in Reader, Installs other components during setup� Samsung Kies 3.1.13103 License Free Language English Platform windowsSync your Samsung Android device with your PC .
not make managing your phone's content as easy as Apple do with iTunes ConclusionSamsung Kies is an essential tool for any PC user with Samsung . TApple has updated its support pages ( 1, 2) to include a new and improved version of iTunes player designed only for Windows XP and Vista.If you are facing any kind of problems with the current iTunes player and iPhones, iPads� then this is the update you should get. New iTunes 12.1.3 Fixes Syncing IssueLatest iTunes player � iTunes 12.1.3 � has been designed for older systems.
Apple decided to release this as many users experienced syncing issue.Apparently, if your iPhone / iPad is updated to iOS 9 firmware, then you cannot sync � photos, apps, music, document, etc. � after connecting to the iTunes player.This problem was visible only on computers and laptops running operating systems older than Windows 7 � which is Windows XP and Vista.Better iOS 9 SupportiTunes 12.1.3 offers support for iOS 9.0 firmware and is more reliable.
It crashes less from what we hear and works on computers with low-end video cards.So if you are using a really old laptop, or computer with those Intel Pentium chips running Windows XP or Vista, get the iTunes 12.1.3.Download 32-bit and 64-bit iTunes for Windows XP/Vista32-bit Windows version of iTunes player is 108.8 MB large, while the 64-bit is 121.3 MB.To know if your Windows machine is running on a 32-bit or 64-bit, head over to this article� or read the screenshot tutorial below: �It crashes less from what we hear�� That is incorrect.
On Vista, it crashes every single time you close iTunes, just like every other version since 11.2 was released in May 2014. However the ratio of appcrashes to BEX errors might be higher than previous versions. (BEX errors cause the Data Execution Prevention notifications that Vista users are well-acquainted with thanks to iTunes.) Still, for those who wish to support iOS 9 devices from platforms that Apple no longer really supports, iTunes 12.1.3 is the only game in town.� This seems tantalising (installing iTunes 12.1.3) but it doesn�t work.
It starts the installation process but crashes every time. I called Apple who said it is nothing to do with them � you just can�t use Windows xp with iOS 9. Any suggestions?� Are you running XP SP3 32-bit? (That�s the only version Apple claims it should work on.) If yes, then my only suggestion would be a new PC. It sounds like 12.3 might actually work right on Windows 10, unlike earlier iTunes versions. � To Fix 3G/4G Cellular Data Issues in iOS 9, Here Are 8�� iOS 9 Installation Stuck At Slide To Upgrade?
Here�s�� Fix iOS 9 Mail App Wrongly Showing Massive Unread Emails� iOS 9 Messaging Bug: When Text Box Turns Grey / Blocks Text�� How To Safely Downgrade From iOS 9 To iOS 8.4.1 Firmware� Windows XP / Vista Gets New iTunes 12.1.3 With iOS 9 Support Recent Posts� Now Remove Notification Clearing Bug in iOS 9� Is Your iOS Safari Crashing As You Type? Here�s The Fix� How to Merge a Half-Split Keyboard in iPad� New iOS 9.0.2 Update Fixes What Was Broken in iOS 9.0 / 9.0.1� Here Are The iPhones Supporting WiFi Calling Feature [iPhone 4s, 5 Excluded]� Fix iPhone 6s Bug: Wallet, Health iOS Apps Zoomed In / Cropped� iOS 9 Safari Bug: No �Open In� Option & Can�t Save PPT, XLS, DOC Files� Confirmed: iPhone 4s Does Not Have WiFi Assist Feature� Can�t Access Instagram?
Well, it�s Down Right Now! Which operating system type do I have?Your computer will provide this information differently if it is runningMicrosoft WindowsorMac OS. Based on the operating system reported by your browser, we recommend the32 bitversion.Download We know how important it is to stay safe online so FileHippo is using virus scanning technology provided by Avira to help ensure that all downloads on FileHippo are safe. The program you are about to download is safe to be installed on your device. Please DisableYourAd-blockerSafe and free downloads are made possible with the help of advertising and user donations.
Please disable your ad-blocker to continue using FileHippo.com and support this service.- FileHippo team About iTunesiTunes is the easiest way to enjoy your favorite music, movies, TV shows, and more on your PC.iTunes includes the iTunes�Store, where you can purchase everything you need to be entertained.
Your purchases are stored in iCloud and are available on your devices at no additional cost.What�s new in iTunesThis update allows you to sync your iPhone*, iPad*, or iPod touch with iOS 9.x and earlier on Windows XP and Windows Vista PCs.*iPhone SE and iPad Pro (9.7-inch) is not supported on Windows XP or Windows Vista. iTunes requirements:Hardware:� PC with a 1GHz Intel or AMD processor with support for SSE2 and 512MB of RAM� To play Standard Definition video from the iTunes Store, an Intel Pentium D or faster processor, 512MB of RAM, and a DirectX 9.0-compatible video card is required.� To play 720p HD video or an iTunes LP, a 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or faster processor, 1GB of RAM, and an Intel GMA X3000, ATI Radeon X1300, or NVIDIA GeForce 6150 or better is required.� To play 1080p HD video, a 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or faster processor, 2GB of RAM, and an Intel GMA X4500HD; ATI Radeon HD 2400; Nvidia GeForce 8300 GS or better is required.� Screen resolution of 1024x768 or greater; 1280x800 or greater is required to play an iTunes�LP� 16-bit sound card and speakers� Broadband Internet connection to use the iTunes Store� iTunes-compatible CD or DVD recorder to create audio CDs, MP3 CDs, or back-up CDs or DVDsSoftware:� Windows XP Service Pack 3 or later and 32-bit editions of Windows Vista� 64-bit editions of Windows Vista require the iTunes 64-bit installer; for more information, visit www.itunes.com/download� 400MB of available disk space� Screen reader support requires Window-Eyes 7.2 or later; for information about accessibility in iTunes, visit www.apple.com/accessibility� iTunes is now a 64-bit application on 64-bit versions of Windows Vista.
Some third-party visualizers may no longer be compatible with this version of iTunes. Please contact the developer for an updated visualizer that is compatible with iTunes 12.1 or later� iTunes in the Cloud, iTunes Match, itunes 32 bit vista iTunes Radio availability may vary by countrySupported Languages iTunes is a free application for your Mac or PC.
It organizes and plays your digital music and video on your computer. It syncs all your media with your iPod, iPhone, and Apple TV. And its a store on your computer, iPod touch, iPhone, and Apple TV that has everything you need to be entertained. Anywhere. Anytime.